Simple steps to moving out.

Moving out? We hope you have enjoyed your time here at Student Center. To help you prepare, we have compiled a handy list of the most important things you need to do before moving out. To make sure your departure is as stress-free as possible read our easy guide below.

1. Check your tenancy agreement

Most housing contracts have a moving out procedure. Make sure you check yours and follow all the requirements outlined in it.

2. Check your inventory

We may have provided an inventory of the property at the start of your tenancy. Make note of any damage or changes to the property to ensure you are not charged for damage you did not cause.

3. Let your Student Center know when you are moving out

Find out who will be the last person in the property and contact your Student Center to inform us when you will be leaving. Arrange for a final check to be done before you move out to make sure everything is in order.

4. Take photos of the property

Before you move out, take time-stamped photos of your property to show the condition you are leaving it in.

5. Check your meters

If you pay your own bills, take final meter readings as you move out to make sure you do not end up paying for the next tenant’s bills.

6. Check and pay bills and cancel any contracts

Ensure all your bills are paid up until the date you are leaving and inform any companies you have been using for things like utilities when you are moving out.

7. Have your post forwarded

The Royal Mail offer a post redirection service. You can use this service to make sure all your post is sent to your new address.

8. Cleaning

Deep clean your property before you move out – it needs to be in the same condition as it was when you moved it. Make sure the cleaning is divided up evenly between everyone in the property, and remember to defrost the fridge and freezer, clean the oven, and clean the carpets.

9. Rubbish

It is your responsibility to dispose of your rubbish. Clear all rubbish from the property when you leave, including food and any of your belongings. Empty your bins, as you can be charged for anything left in the property after you move out. Any excess rubbish if bins are full, please go and throw in the dump sites. Do not leave rubbish outside the bins as the council will not pick it up.

10. Donations and collection of unwanted items

Donate any unused food or cleaning products to food banks and any unwanted clothes, books, or furniture to charities. The British Heart Foundation offers home collection for larger items.

11. Deposit

To ensure you get your deposit back in full, you will need to have completed the above steps and returned your keys. Student Center is responsible for returning your deposit. If there are no issues it should be returned to you within 10 days of the end of your tenancy.

If you have any issues or queries during the moving out process, please inform us.